Several months ago, the guy down the road stopped selling eggs, due to pilfering problems. We have always bought our eggs from him since a few years after we moved to this house. A very sad affair. He had the most gorgeous eggs that you have ever seen . . . AND the biggest! So now we are having to find a new place to buy eggs. Quite sad. Well, a few weeks ago when we were up in Mansfield, we stopped at a market and bought a half-dozen of the largest eggs you have ever seen! They had placed them on the top of an egg carton and the six eggs filled the space! Oh, Sarah and I were hoping for a double yoker, as we have never seen one for real. On Sunday night I was making eggs for Dad to eat for breakfast during the week, and what do you know?! I found a double yoker! Oh, we couldn't have been more excited. It was the largest of the six eggs and it had a lump in the middle. Joy, joy! I made them sunny side up for Dad's breakfast because I couldn't bring myself to scramble it!

At the bulk food store a couple weeks ago, we bought a dozen Duck eggs for Dad to try. They are big, white (with a slight blue tint), and very hard to crack! Dad really liked them. Supposedly they are stronger, but he didn't notice. We made eggs and rice for him. They are very hard to scramble as the yolks are hard to break. (In the picture at the left, the duck egg is the top one in the bowl!)
So, that is our egg-citing story for the month!
(or should I say "honk honk"?!)