Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter with Friends

We have had a very busy weekend! On Thursday, we woke up and the weather was so beautiful. Blue sky, no wind, no clouds, sunshine! The three of us decided that we wanted to go somewhere, so we drove up to Wooster and went to a bunch of thrift stores. Got some Winnie The Pooh books, a lot of note cards, some drinking glasses, and some other cool stuff. Got a General MacArthur plate that even has Corregidor along the bottom! We also went to Apple Creek to a fibre mill where Sarah was able to pick four bags full of different coloured wool roving for felting projects! That was so fun. The smell of wool when you went in was simply wonderful. I love wool. I love felting! Or rather watching Sarah felt! In the end we didn't get home until late.

It has rained since then, so we were all glad that we got to get out and about in the nice weather! Friday we had doctor's appointments and Saturday we spent cooking for yesterday. Yesterday, We went to Church in the morning. It was very nice. They sang a lot of traditional songs and we got to see a bunch of people. Very fun. Then we went to the Keultjes's house for lunch after Church. Ended up staying until half past nine! Time always flies with them. Hannah and Claire came up for the day, so it was a nice chance to see them sometime other than Christmas. We had a blast! They had a small scavenger hunt for their Easter baskets, so Sarah and I gave them some help. An acorn, a feather, a black rock, a Barbie doll, a bird's nest, a red flower, signatures from two neighbors, and two earthworms! We helped Claire find all the stuff except the earthworms! The three of us elected Hannah to do it. She went down to the compost pile and brought a shovel full of it to the front door for Mrs. Keultjes to inspect! It was really, really fun!

On Monday morning, Buddy and Kay called early in the morning and asked if we wanted to go with them to the Loft to get Buddy's violin fixed. So, we drove to Mount Vernon and all went in their car down to Columbus. We went to lunch afterwards and then stopped in at Best Buy to look for a set of speakers for their recording machine. However, all the speakers were junk! So tinny sounding and expensive! So, we went to their house and Kay and I tried all of the speakers that they had around the house. We ended up finding a stereo from his Mom that worked. We cleaned out the whole recording corner and sorted all the cords and cables!

Mom and Kay worked on family history for a while and Buddy and the two of us played around with his guitar and viola. He played all the new songs that he has written and recorded recently. That was a lot of fun. We also got to spend some time with Casey. We gave him a new doggie toy that looks like a shish kabob and he spent the entire evening carrying it around. He is so cute! We ended up staying until after nine and then they drove us back to our car. A super fun day. We haven't had a day like that with them since filming time.

So, our Easter "weekend" has been loaded with fun. We all really enjoyed it, but are now a little tired out. Hopefully this week the Spring cleaning will progress. Onto more fun and adventure . . .

"Christ the Lord is risen today . . . "

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