Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day, White Pizza, and Books!

For Father's Day, we took Dad to Polaris for lunch at "The Cheesecake Factory". We had never been there before, so we thought it would be fun to try something different. (We are always trying to find "something different" in our house, whether it be food, movies, places to go etc. ) Sarah and I shared a white pizza. It had garlic, ricotta cheese, mozzarella, and spinach on it. We loved it! We are going to try making one here at home.

We walked around the restaurant where it is like a little town all it's own, similar to Easton. There was this huge Barnes and Noble, so we went in there to see if we could find something to spend a gift card that we've had for ages on. It was so big that it actually had escalators inside to go up and down to the second floor. I got these two really cool book sets to save for little Ellen. One is "Sense and Sensibility" and the other is "Little Women". They are cool boxes with a flap cover that opens to show a paperback book with the DVD of the matching feature film underneath. Each box has a scenery photo from a location from the film with a cardboard band that has a movie photo on it. Sarah got a really cool book with lots of photos of the Royal family (Windsors only). It was published by one of the big British newspapers.

So, all in all, it was a VERY fun day that we all enjoyed!

"And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." - Ephesians 6:4

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