Monday, April 19, 2010

Crocheting Like Bette Davis

A few weeks ago we watched the Bette Davis film, "The Letter". Although the movie wasn't very good, one thing really interested me. In the film, Bette Davis crochets lace to make a bed cover. I was in raptures by the second time they showed her doing it. Wow! When the movie ended, I told Mom that I just had to learn. Even if I only ever did one project, the time and trouble would be worth it.

The next day we went through all the books that we have on the subject and I found a pattern that I liked. By the end of the week, I had decoded the pattern and my first "motif" was finished. (My first one is on the bottom right of the first photo) However, I couldn't figure out the correct way to do the center ring that the pattern builds on. I struggled with it for four days before finally figuring it out. (Actually, we were watching another Bette Davis film at the time. Dad says that she must be crochet inspiring! ) So, I finished three more, all out of white cotton thread.

Then, when we were at JoAnn's a few days later, we found some crochet thread made of 100% viscose from bamboo. Sarah is a nut for bamboo anything, so I got six spools to practice on with the intention of making a scarf for Sarah's Victrola. If I have to practice for my bed cover (or piano cover - I have't decided yet!) I may as well get a project out of it. ;o) I now have ten motifs made out of the bamboo thread. I have done four an evening for the last two days. At this rate, to make the 1,000 that I need for a bed cover, it will only take a year to complete! Here is a little video showing Bette Davis working on her lace in the film. It certainly inspired me!

". . . although creation and man have been spoiled by sin, there is left over in creation a glimpse of what God created in the first place." - Edith Schaeffer

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