Monday, May 10, 2010

What a Weekend!

We had a fantastic weekend. Our Mother's Day celelbration started a little early. On Friday and Saturday, our favorite fabric store out in Amish Country had there yearly "30% off everyting in the store" sale. So, we decided to brave the crowds and try going. When we got there, it wasn't as crowded as we thought and we were able to get a lot of material. We matched up all the single pieces of fabric that we already had and got a few new projects as well! It was really fun and we didn't get back home until after 6:00 in the afternoon.

Mom got flannel for a winter blanket for the sofa. We have wanted to have seasonal sofa blankets for years and just haven't gotten around to it yet. I got flannel for a new blanket for me to cuddle with upstairs in the back room while working on hobbies or watching a movie. Sarah and I got bunches of fabric for baby things.

Well, on Saturday, we decided to take Dad out for breakfast. So we went to Panera (our favorite restaurant!) and had a nice time. We also ran a few errands while we were in town. Actually, we got a few more baby things. Sarah got a big stuffed elephant to put in the crib with baby. He is really cute, and she named him "Mr. Cosgrove" (after a really cute scene in a Shirley Temple film). She said that it is a good thing that she didn't get him when she was younger because she might have gotten really attatched to Mr. Cosgrove like I was with Priscilla! ;)

We got back home at 3:30 and decided to take Dad to the fabric store to get some fly fishing material that we saw there. So, off we rush to Amish Country again (the store closes at 5:00) and got there with an hour to spend looking. Sarah ended up gett ing minkee to make a blanket for her. Red, black,and white. Really cool! She still has a terrible minkee fixation! She wants everything minkee! We came home and Mom made this wonderful stir fry for dinner. It was fantastic!

This week we plan on getting the sewing machines and serger up and running. We have a lot of blankets to make! (Photos will be coming soon!)

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. - James 1:27

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