Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Winter, Rise and Shine . . .

"Snow, snow, snow, snow! . . . ."

In the immortal words of Irving Berlin, "SNOW"! Not a ton, but enough to make the world white and the roads covered. So, we are sticking around. Yesterday was an absolutely wonderful day. We had coffee and a big breakfast and then Dad and I went upstairs. He tied flies and I dusted books. Pulled the sofa out and did all the shelves behind. Tons of books, as they are juvenile non-fiction. I did manage to organize them well enough so that I have about a foot and a half of free space. I did take some off that were miss-shelved. However, I am hoping that I will be able to put them in their proper shelves and not lose much space.

Jennie called in the afternoon, so we talked for about an hour. She was cleaning her apartment and I was sitting behind the sofa! Guess we were both kind of dusty. ;o) It was great to talk to her since we got to meet last Sunday. Turns out that she took French lessons in high school and used to be able to write it. So, I am going to really try going through my French-English Grammar book. She said that we could try writing letters in French if I learn enough and she brushed up. That would be fun!

Well, today is still snowy and the roads are white, so we are sticking around. The wind is really blowing and it is only 58 degrees in the house, even with Dad getting up all night to do fires. So we are going to try and keep warm. Actually, I think Dad will tie some more flies later. We are almost done with our audiobook of Pride and Prejudice. One more disc to go. It is really swell. Emilia Fox is reading and she does different voices for every character. She is brilliant. Dad and I are really enjoying it, so we'll finish it later.

"For to the snow, He says, 'Fall on the earth,' . . ." - Job 37:6

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